This article is part of an ongoing series about what makes Gutensite special. See the first article "Content Management Systems vs. Visual Website Builders".
If your website isn't one of the prime catalysts for your organization's success, if it doesn't provide a return on investment, then something is wrong. You are missing an opportunity. Your website should not only pay for itself, but it should be an integral part of your business strategy that generates leads, facilitates sales, reduces customer service costs, provides services and information that increases customer satisfaction, and in short makes your organization profitable with measurable ROI.
We never want organizations to spend money they can't afford on a service that doesn't bring them value. But these days the costs are low, you don't need a web developer on staff at $5,000+/mo. Our most expensive package ($95/mo) is less than the cost of a capuccino per day. If you don't think your website brings at least as much value as your daily cup of coffee, then you really need a new website! Gutensite builds websites that are designed to bring value to your business, designed to optimize traffic flow to accomplish specific conversion goals. Any other type of website is a waste of money and opportunity.
See the next article in the series about what makes Gutensite special, "Open Platform for Third Party Designers".